It's Official - Conan Canned

The Tonight Show's giant red-headed freak of a host, Conan O'Brien, has officially been fired from NBC. Conan's exit package is reportedly worth $45 Million, some of which is earmarked for his staff (a portion of who's severance Conan is paying out of his own pocket).
Conan's last Tonight Show will air Friday night, January 23rd. The entire Internet should tune in to make sure his ratings are better than Jay Leno's "retirement" from the Tonight Show a mere 7 months ago. Not because it'll do any good, but because it'll piss NBC off.
I have no doubt that Conan will land on his feet somewhere. There are still lots of rumours that Fox is interested, but Conan, if you're listening, I have three letters for you: HBO. They'll let the bear actually masturbate! (actually, to be fair, Fox might as well)